Every purchasing choice you make is a vote for the world you want. We’ve seen the power of individual actions to save our planet. In fact, in the past 12 months our community has saved the waste of over six million single use plastic items! All our products are truly cruelty free as our store is uniquely free from palm oil (as certified by Palm Oil Investigations).

In 2003, I chose to stop worrying that companies were getting away with greenwashing and to start being part of the future I wanted for the world. Today, we’re here to help you do the same. It’s almost impossible to know the toxins we are exposed to as most manufacturers (who can choose from 85,000 industrial chemicals that have never been assessed for safety) are not transparent and place profits before people.

Biome’s strict standards give you peace of mind. You can enjoy high performing products like our super clean, cruelty free beauty ranges without sacrificing your health. We carefully research and verify each supplier for truth in labelling, safe ingredients, and zero harm to people and animals.